Explore Top 8 Part Time Jobs in Ukraine

The unemployment rate in Ukraine is one of the highest in Europe. In 2017, it reached 12.2%. The number of unemployed people has been constantly growing for the last 5 years, reaching a record high at the beginning of this year. The Ukrainian government is trying to tackle this problem with various initiatives and programs to stimulate economic growth and create new jobs.

The Ukrainian labor market is characterized by a high level of unemployment and a lack of qualified specialists. One third of Ukrainians are employed on a part-time basis, which means that they work less than 30 hours per week.

It is always a good idea to have a backup plan. And if you are looking for part time work, then there are plenty of opportunities in Ukraine.

In this article we will explore the top 8 part time jobs in Ukraine, and what they entail.

1. Freelance Translator

translator jobs in sweden

 If you are bilingual or multilingual, then you can make a living as a freelance translator. You can get plenty of translation jobs from people who need their websites translated or their documents translated into other languages. The best thing about this job is that it gives you the opportunity to choose your own hours and it doesn’t require any formal qualifications - all you need to do is have a good grasp of another language!

Translators (English to Ukrainian, Ukrainian to English, and Ukrainian to Russian) are high in demand 

A translator is someone who translates content from one language to another. A Ukrainian translator is a person who translates content from English to Ukrainian. They are responsible for translating both written and spoken material.

The job of the translator has changed significantly in the past few years with the increased use of technology. Translators now use machine translation software to translate large amounts of written text quickly and accurately.


2. Tour Guide 

Tour guides work in the tourism industry. They lead tours and provide information to visitors about the attractions that they are visiting.

Tourism is one of the largest industries in the world, with billions of people visiting tourist attractions every year. Tour guides have a significant role to play in this industry as they provide information and lead tours for these tourists.

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3) Administrative Assistant 

Administrative assistants are responsible for many different tasks. These tasks could include anything from organizing meetings, to managing email, to drafting reports and presentations.

Administrative assistants often have an office space that they can use as their own in the workplace. They may also be asked to work with other administrative assistants to complete certain tasks such as filing documents or preparing presentations.

4) Data Entry Operator 

A data entry operator is someone who enters data into a computer system or database. They are responsible for entering both numeric and textual information into the system.

A data entry operator has to be able to work with accuracy and efficiency. They need to be able to enter the information quickly and accurately in order for it not to impact the productivity of the company they work for. Data entry operators can work in a variety of fields, including healthcare,banking, insurance, retail, manufacturing and more.

 5) Freelance Writer-Copywriter

A freelance writer-copywriter is a professional who writes copy for clients and makes sure it is well-crafted and persuasive. Copywriters are often hired by companies to write about a specific topic or niche. They might also work on inbound marketing, content strategy, or social media marketing.

Copywriters can be found in various industries: advertising agencies, digital agencies, PR firms, marketing departments of large corporations, and freelance writers who work on a per project basis.


6) Editorial Assistant-Proofreader 

Editorial assistants are in charge of editing and proofreading text before it is published. They work closely with their team to ensure that the quality of the content is at its best.

Editorial assistants-proofreaders are responsible for making sure that the content is error-free and meets the standards of their company. They also help writers with any edits they might need to make to their work.

The job of editorial assistant-proofreader requires a lot of patience and commitment as they need to go through every sentence with a fine tooth comb to check for any mistakes or errors in grammar, punctuation, word usage, spelling, etc.

7 ) Tutor (Math and Science)

A tutor (math and science) is someone who gives instruction to students. Tutors are often found in academia, but they can also be found in schools, non-profit organizations, and private businesses.

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A tutor's job is to help students understand course material that they may not have mastered on their own. Tutors might provide one-on-one instruction or they might teach small groups of students. They might be paid hourly or by the session.

6) Medical Transcriptionist 

Medical transcriptionists work in hospitals, clinics and other healthcare facilities. They transcribe patient interviews, doctor consultations and other medical discussions.

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The job is a challenging one because they have to listen to what is being said and type it out on the keyboard accurately. This requires good concentration skills and a sharp ear.

medical transcriptionist jobs in ukraine

A medical transcriptionist is required to be able to type at least 60 words per minute with 100% accuracy.


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