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Easy to Follow Networking Tips and Techniques for Job Seekers

Networking usually contributes to successful professional opportunities. Successfully and positively approved applications can be determined by those who know about you. This professional fame is coined by your skills, your previously working experience that develops your professional network.

  Active networkers can easily change their works, as they have higher levels of job experience with others. Some applicants are responded earlier than others, depending on their relationship in the professional field.

However, it is essential to remember that networking is not nepotism because it not about career inheritance or about hiring disqualified people at the expense of others. It is instead a selective choice based on a professional reputation that would save time when it comes to job searching.

Since you need to get hired in a shorter time, but you don’t have enough affiliation with professional managers, this article is for you. It would help you get the tips to build your network.

 Networking rules for Beginners


For a successful job search, there are some rules that everyone must follow concerning networking. The first is when you are trying to contact the professionals; you should never openly ask for an interview. This can be considered as an act of deception. You should rather ask questions related to the workplace, job description, company’s culture, and its employees. You also need to show interest in the workplace. So, people know that you want to learn about them and you want to get experience in the field.

Second, you should never ask for a job from anyone. No matter how friendly this professional person seems to you, you should never ask him/her to seek employment for you.

You would be so embarrassed if this person refuses to help you. You will also give a wrong impression as you would seem to take advantage of connecting people for your benefit. You can instead let these people know that you have already applied to such and such position; you are waiting for the next step.

Make them feel that you are trying your best and that you are on the way for any professional procedures like an internship, preparing for a test. Show that you are making efforts so that professionals make the task easy for you. But never expect that they will hand you a job in a wrapped gift. If you are looking for a job, read this article:

Different Techniques to Find A New Job

Networking Tips for Job Seekers

1.   Perfect time for Networking

To grow your network at employment, you need to make acquaintances and friends. This task can draw the difference; especially if you are looking for a new job. The process of job searching can be shorter and more accessible for those who are already employed. That is, if employers who are already hired and have a previous professional experience can get a new job or shift to another level.

However, networking is considered as a useful tool for getting job offers. All you need is to create and maintain your network during any work experience. You need to keep positive feedback and good relationships with colleagues or managers. 

If you are not working, you need to volunteer or contribute to any professional collaboration that would help you get recognized in future applications. The best time to start networking is as soon as possible. Check these articles for quick and innovative job search tips:

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2.   Set Your goals

networking contacts

For successful networking, you need to know your goals. You need to see if they can lead you somewhere or to someone. That is, you need to know the goals of others that you want to network with. You may collaborate with them to achieve these goals. This mutual help would ultimately help you make good ties. Engage yourself with people during coffee breaks or any occasion.

Try to break the ice with and ask them professional questions like: “how long have you been working here? Do you recommend me to work here? Are you comfortable with your work??? These conversations will bring employees and you together.

3.   Self-promotion

Some people use a business card to acknowledge their services and where to find them. This option is very prominent with lawyers and doctors, and it can be valid for employees. Handing over your business card is the fastest way to introduce your services, including your contact information. This business card will make you known among people, especially when you are attending a conference or a networking event.

Optimizing personal brand for getting a job in 2020

4.   Having an Online Presence

Some people think that spreading one’s business card is very old fashioned. In today’s technical advance, there are many online job search engines and social network sites.

If you are not excited about business cards, you can rather promote for yourself by having a LinkedIn account or subscribing to job search engines to get notified about job opportunities. Being active online, especially in professional sites, would help reach more people interested in your field.

networking and social network

5.   Follow-up

A pat of job searching techniques is to follow up with employers to see if there is a positive response. A similar part of networking is to follow through. That is, before doing the necessary follow-up, you can contact other related people. You can contact them to inquire about application deadlines, vacancies.

Try to use the slightest occasion to contact them, then see which people were more cooperative and positive with you. You need to classify these contacts and put them in different categories, such as list-A list-B. If you are looking for a new job, identify those contacts on whom you can rely and who can recommend you to senior management.

These were the different networking tips for both beginners and employees.  I hope you find them effective during your professional journey.

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