How to Find Jobs in Qatar (Expat Guide)?

Known for its best labor market and economy, Qatar is increasingly establishing itself as the working hive for talented expats, immigrants, and locals. Are you motivated by the World cup, which will take place in Qatar? Do you want to survive this event step by step and get money at the same time? follow this exclusive article on getting a job in Qatar and freelancing there.

How to Find a Job?

How to find a Job!?

 Every applicant has his/ her own job search techniques and strategies. Since we live in a technical world, getting a job starts through an online search for the target job. If you are wondering about the websites for the best professional starts and quests, take a look at: Top Five Websites to Find Jobs in Qatar

Many nationalities wish to work in Qatar. The entry procedures depend on which country you come from, your qualifications, and the purpose of entry( visit, tourism, work contract, studies etc..) For a job seeker, having a work visa and a residence permit is a must. These are obtained after some complicated procedures. As an applicant, you cannot claim a work visa from authorities alone. This Visa requires finding a job, getting the consent of your employer to bring you to Qatar, and submitting your CV and work contract to define your eligibility for entry criteria. There is also another technique for obtaining a work visa in Qatar. First, wait for job fairs organized by Qatari organizations having branches in your country. If you get selected for this job fair, the intermediate office responsible for bringing workers from North African countries to Qatar will take care of the work visa application and entry process. If you are already in Qatar with a tourist visa, you should find a sponsor, a local company wishing to hire foreign employees and submit your application there. Then, recruiters will complete administrative procedures and work visa applications for you.

CV and Cover letter

Your CV should be well written, precise, original, and concise, with the addition of a passport photo. Avoid unnecessary information not relevant to the job. If necessary, attach an Arabic version of your CV. Make sure to attach a cover letter with your CV. This letter will increase the chances of being hired, as it represents further details of your professional journey to land a job in Qatar. Remember to update and change your CV and cover letter for each application, as repetitive content may not be relevant to every application.

Can I get a Job in Qatar by Inquiring about Its Salary?

salary details

Nothing is hidden on the internet, especially in Fratres, a job portal with international career guidelines. Of course, you better not ask recruiters about the salary, primarily if you didn’t conduct enough research about it. In general, Qatar does not impose a minimum wage on its companies. Some fields are dispensed with taxations in Qatar to encourage investment and enrich the economy. The absence of income tax in Qatar makes it possible to obtain high-paying wages, often supplemented by benefits such as free accommodation, meal tickets, discounts, etc... The average monthly salary is over $ 8,000, which may seem enormous in the eyes of many foreigners. But, this amount remains in line with the local cost of living. 5 Questions to Ask from Employer During Interview

Can applicants find a job in Qatar without a degree?

Working without diplomas or degrees in Qatar is quite possible. Some Qataris employers look for applicants based on their personal abilities, work experiences, and know-how skills rather than on their education. Among the sectors open to non-graduates, the construction industry, which recruits applicants without requiring a degree. Living and working in Qatar for foreigners is based upon several conditions, integrating with corporate culture. Qatar has excellent professional opportunities for both men and women, but its strong cultural identity should be respected, regardless of gender. Basic Jobs and Salaries in Qatar

Freelancing in Qatar

freelancing in Qatar

With or without degrees, expats will easily find IT jobs in Qatar. Computer maintenance technicians, computer engineers, and programmers are always in demand in Qatar and can be performed at home, especially after the spread of this pandemic disease.

If you are not into the tech industry, there are various jobs for freelancers in Qatar:

1.Translation Jobs:

In a country staffed with many nationalities, translation is a lucrative freelance job where bilingual applicants can make a living out of translating various types of content into Arabic and English.

2.Media Jobs:

Qatar is a site for active journalism, content media, and written press. More than 80 Official news websites recruiting freelance applicants with or without journalism degrees. With the World Cup coming, there will be more opportunities related to covering this event in multiple languages.

3.Customer-service Jobs:

Taking care of clients through a remote service is a very common freelance job in Qatar. Many companies hire customer-service agents to respond to customer queries, purchasing orders, and complaints.

4.Telecommunication Agents:

Ooredoo and many other telecommunication companies hire freelancers to increase their services and keep in touch with the target community. Jobs in this field may require some technical skills that can be easily learned through a probationary period.

5. Tutoring:

Many Qataris families are looking for English native speakers and tutors to teach their children and improve their grades in the language. Freelancers are very successful in the field since in Qatar, as the English language is considered a guarantee of professional success. With or without a teaching diploma, it is easy to find a job as a tutor in Qatar.

These were the tips for finding a job in Qatar as an expat with or without a degree. There was also the possibility for freelancing in Qatar and reaching the most in-demand remote jobs without having tech degrees and knowledge.


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