Top 10 Best Jobs in Canada for Immigrants

A well-known fact about Canada is that it is an excellent place for immigrants. Every year, applications to Canadian Visa are the plan of many students, including workers, artisans, and investors. Many of them have the aim of settling there. Canada welcomes immigrants every year to empower its labor force and increase its small population. So, before packing your bag to move to Canada, you need to think about the future. Is your field of studies required there? Can you find a room in the Canada job market? Which jobs are best for immigrants? All these questions will be answered here!

Is Canada in Shortage of Labor?

immigration to Canada

How is it possible for a country classified as the second-largest country in the world to have a population not exceeding 40 million? The Canadian government is attracting immigrants to populate the country, grant equal opportunities, and invest in its natural resources to empower its economy. As the number of its population should meet the professional vacancies, days after days, jobs are coming into existence, and others die out. To immigrate to Canada, you need to conduct research first and learn about the trending opportunities. Fratres can be the best career guide to show you from where to start and how to begin. Through this website, you can get hints on Canada's preferred fields and trades: Take a look at; Easy Jobs Anyone Can Get in Canada.

Jobs in Canada for immigrants:

Canada is always looking for skilled hands and minds that contribute positively to the Canadian economy. Therefore, every year, there is a set of required professions targeting immigrants. There are also some entry tests or entry express programs to see whether applicants have equivalent degrees and can master these professions. Before listing the required jobs in Canada, it should be noted that sometimes a certificate of professional experience is required in many professional fields. Those who don't have professional experience should apply for an internship and get professional documents attesting to that. Now without any further ado, let's take a look at the best jobs for immigrants: you can also read: A Complete Guide to Canadian Visas.

High-paying jobs in Canada for Immigrants:

best Jobs in Canada for immigrants

1.Teaching jobs

Although teaching and education systems differ worldwide, there are still some teaching opportunities possible for immigrants. The requirements are also different. There are some standard conditions allowing professors and teachers from other countries to apply in Canadian primary education. Here is; How to Move to Canada as a Teacher

2. Computer programmers/ Developers:

Coding is like maths. It is an international tech language that brings opportunities to various programmers to meet in Canada professionally. Many companies are recruiting immigrant developers with high salaries. Programmers currently operate in various IT industries, which means that technology companies are not just creating new applications and software. Eligible candidates in the tech-oriented field can make between $ 83,000 and $ 99,000.

3. Doctors

Canada is improving its health care system by hiring all therapists and doctors from many backgrounds and origins. Foreign doctors are welcome in Canada to operate in various departments. Experience is required in some healthcare vacancies. Medical job opportunities are abundant in both the public and private sectors in Canada. Their work environments include hospitals, clinics, care facilities, and social services. Professionals in Canada can earn between 67,526 $ and 85,790$. Take a look at; 10 Highest Paying Jobs in Canada

4. Construction Workers:

Workforce in Canada

New construction projects are expected to grow in 2021 in Canada. Be it construction or a reconstruction expansion, work in this field is welcoming immigrants and traders. Construction firms recognize the growing importance of hiring skilled workers with effective cost control to manage their budgets. Construction workers can get 40$ per hour, depending on seniority and the construction projects they operate.

5. Investment/ Business Consultants:

Canada has a growing global competitive market. This field is also welcoming immigrants who have experience in project management, finance, and productive business. Due to the expected increase in demand for professional consulting services, Canadian companies often hire management consultants. Many people apply for this job with a business-related degree, including experience in various industries and positions. Business consultants can also help foreign investors who want to initiate a corporate firm or look for collaboration. These consultants can benefit from establishing business alliances and develop their knowledge in various areas such as technology or travel and tourism. Business consultants can earn around 35$ per hour.

6. Network Service Providers:

IT projects are fundamental in Canada. Immigrants from an IT background and with excellent technical skills can apply to develop IT networks. Their role is to balance customer queries and network service. They are also responsible for implementing new internet providers. Their salaries can range from 32,000 $ to 44,000$.

7. Nurses;

When it comes to Canada's most critical jobs, patient care may be the first on the list. The number of nurses is in growing demand in Canada. In areas where it is hard to reach general practitioners and physicians, nurses often play primary healthcare assistants. So this field is an option that could provide many opportunities for immigrants with an average hourly wage of around $40.


Welding is in high demand in Canada. It is mainly due to new job growth that welding work becomes accessible to immigrants. With manufacturing growth, this job is expected to grow in 2021. Skilled welders are to have better job opportunities in Canada, reaching 27$ per hour. Take a look at the 10 Lowest Paying Jobs in Canada

9.Medical Radiologists Technicians;

The term medical imaging denotes several occupations, including a specialist in diagnostic ultrasound. Radiologists in medical imaging can emanate from external lands to work in Canada. The average highest salary for medical radiologists is around 47.81$ per hour. The lowest salary is 42$ per hour. To get a job in this field, many applicants need to register with the Canadian Association of Medical Diagnostics.

10. Engineers:

Engineering professions are always sought after in Canada. According to the "Federal Skilled Worker Program Eligible Occupations", engineering is the sector in shortage of workers. It faces an elevated retirement rate that will open vacancies to immigrants and even open opportunities for beginners. Engineers' salaries may vary across sectors as well as in different regions in Canada. But, they can annually make around 38,000$ per year.

These were the top 10 best jobs for immigrants planning to settle in Canada. These jobs include both manual and intellectual professions.


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