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Top 10 University Courses to Study for the Future in Pakistan

University courses are what students search for in pre-employment stages. Every student dreams of a specific job, which requires certain academic fulfillments. Universities are critical establishments that provide advanced studies. The latter can be among the determinants that enable students to obtain distinguished degrees in various specialties. Choosing university courses is a crucial initial stage. This topic is discussed in every family. As this can put you in a considerable hesitation, Fratres will introduce to the best courses to study the future, including the academic branches in Pakistani universities. This article can be a solution to the problem that most students have encountered in the past years, not to mention that choosing the appropriate specialization according to the student’s desire would enhance the position of scientific research in Pakistan.

How to Choose the Right University?

choosing the right university

You may think that we will advertise for individual universities, but we will give you general tips. This article is not about ranking Pakistani Universities. It is helping choose an academic path that offers the most requested qualifications in the job industry. As the student, in this case, will have a feeling of psychological discomfort, we will help you get acquainted with the ten best university courses in Pakistan.

1.   Engineering:

Engineering is among the exciting sciences that a large group of students is searching for. Moreover, this specialization is divided into many categories, such as mechanical engineering, environmental engineering, architecture, and computer engineering, electronics engineering . Engineering studies start in many countries of the world with a first-year, followed by a specialization study from the pre-mentioned list. It is among the top 10 specializations in the world. For more information on engineering careers and fields, read this:

What is the Best Engineering Field that Secures Good Job Opportunities in Pakistan?

2.   Management:

Management university courses are considered among the top 10 specializations in the world. There is no institution or organization at present that does not need modern administrative systems, which lead to the achievement of institutional goals through planning, guidance, and oversight. These are the essential elements of management, which must be carried out harmoniously. Those strategies would be more successful under university studies.

3.   Law:


Working in courts or the legal sector is very important in Pakistan. Jobs like lawyers, attorneys, judges are part of many ambitions. There are many disciplines in studying law. In recent years, the need for that specialization increases, as some prefer it over other university courses. That’s why law studies are considered one of the top 10 university majors in the world. Here is the list of law universities in Pakistan;

LLB Law Universities and Colleges in Pakistan

4.   Computer Science:

Who does not use computers nowadays? Computer science is considered one of the essential university specializations at present. There are many careers associated with computer science. The key to getting these courses is to be very skilled in scientific subjects. This specialization culminates in computer programming, operation, and maintenance , etc.

Data Science Jobs and Careers in Pakistan

5.   Psychology:

Psychology is one of the top 10 specializations in the world, as it is the science that focuses on studying all the psychological behaviors and aspects of the human being. Psychology is among the exciting university courses that open the path for coaching careers.

6.   Accounting and Finance

Accounting includes the study of how to record financial transactions related to commercial activities in general. Universities of finance and accounting are no longer limited to manual registration in books. They are instead teaching modern accounting technologies that are involved in new techniques. Accounting courses are currently considered among the top 10 university majors in the world.

7.   Languages:

In light of the intellectual exchange between countries, the interest in learning styles, especially the English language, has increased. Since English is the first language globally, many jobs require mastering this language. Moreover, translation job opportunities and teaching careers are always in demand, which makes this specialization to be considered among the top 10 specializations in the world.

8.   Architecture:

This specialty is vital in building modern cities in Pakistan. It provides studies related to geometry and many disciplines that offer many skills. To become an architect, you need to get high grades in certain subjects, including mathematics and science, to get admission in the University of Architecture.

9.   Medicine:


Many students aspire to study human medicine with all its specializations from cardiology, orthopedics, dentistry, and others.These university courses can extend to 7 years, in which the student learns everything related to the human body, including anatomy and other sciences that are interested in studying all types of illnesses and pathologies. Student can complete higher studies to specialize in one of the medical branches. Then, they get practical training at hospitals. If you could not join medical colleges in Pakistan, you can have other university courses like nursing, or check Most Common Healthcare Jobs in Pakistan 2020.

10.Aviation Engineering:

Aviation engineering is the science that is concerned with studying all the plane parts, building, and developing its vehicles. The study of Aviation Engineering extends to 4 years, in which the student becomes skilled in everything related to aviation. However, to reach this specialization, you need to have high grades in mathematics, physics, and the group of sciences related to aviation in general. For airline careers, check this article;

Most popular Airline Jobs in Pakistan 2020

These were the top 10 list of the best university courses and specialties that lead to high paid future careers. If you are a student, share this article among your friends to give them more hints on University academic choices.


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