Top Industries to Find Jobs in Israel

If you plan to move to Israel and find work in this country, you should explore some job industries. You should seek your career in a highly advanced industry. The purpose of going this route is that such industries offer high living standards and hefty paychecks, which is a lucrative factor for every job seeker. Here are some job industries, you need to find jobs in Israel.

Technology and Science 

Science and technology industry is growing very fast in Israel. On average, this growth is more than 8-10 percent. Country earns money and spends more than 5 percent GDP on the development of hi-tech. Almost 70 percent of industrial products come from the high technology sector. So, if you are searching for a job in Israel, try to find it in this sector. Becoming an IT manager and joining the research department is something you can do to earn more. 


Well-developed manufacturing industry is in high demand. You can easily find a job in Israel in this sector. Since there are many chemical industries, it's pretty easy to explore Israel jobs. This industry contributes to the country 's economy to a great extent.

work in israel

Diamond Industry

If you are a jeweler and can easily handle diamond cutting, you can have a lucrative career in Israel. Diamond cutting and polishing jobs are too many. It's because the diamond industry is a leading sector in Israel. This country accounts for 12 percent of total diamond production in the world. Besides, it also explores premium quality diamonds. 


This sector is highly advanced and major export source in Israel. If you have a degree in agricultural science and related subjects, then you can easily find a job in Israel. Most of this country is desert but still demand for agricultural activities is high. It's because company relies on self sufficiency and want to produce it all at national level. The country can meet more than 90 percent of its food requirement. You can easily find jobs in Israel Farms, if you are an experience farmer or worker.

agricultural jobs in israel


This country earns a lot from tourism. Every year, it attracts more than two million tourists all over the globe. Almost 2 lacs workers are employed in this industry. Israel has multiple religious spots and historical sites. People like to explore these spots including beaches and museums. 



Another industry where you can easily find jobs in Israel is Transportation. The economic success of a country depends on this sector. If you can handle transportation sectors such as air transport or highway, you would be able to find work in Israel. You can find three deep water ports in this country. Two are spotted in the Mediterranean Sea and another one in the Red sea. People can move easily through highly developed highway systems.

How to Find Jobs in ISRAEL

Once you know all about the most demanding job industries in Israel, the next thing is to find out about the whole process of finding a job. Here is what you will do. 

Search for jobs

The first thing to do is to plan a job search. It means exploring options all over different websites. You can get help from FRATRES.NET or Indeed. You must have a valid work visa to work in Israel. First step of acquiring a visa is to search for a job.

Application and Interview

You need to apply for a job and you will craft a cover letter alongside your resume. Both options are must. It's good to familiarize yourself with Hebrew. This language is common in Israel. Although recruiters take interviews in Foreign Language and English, knowing their language gives you a competitive edge. Once application and interviews are successful, you need to accept your job offer to proceed with the visa.


 Contractual agreements are the must.

In case you don't pass an interview and don't find a good job option, you can try another route. Apply for a tourist visa in Israel. During this time, search for a job and opt for a walk-in interview.

Another great idea is to expand your network. more than sixty people's jobs are never posted online. So, you can secure a job simply through a referral or your network. LinkedIn networking is always helpful.

Self Employed/Freelancer

In case you don't want to be a part of your company, you can either be self-employed or a freelancer. There are multiple remote and freelancing options available in Israel. It's easy to find them through FRATRES.NET. In case you want to become an entrepreneur, growing and developing industries offer you lucrative business options. You need to apply for a business visa to plan a start-up in this country. Choose between freelancing or job.

I have shared a complete guide of working in Israel, the process is exactly like other countries. You should try your luck in growing industries, which I mentioned above.

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